Monday, September 1, 2008

Jose Maria Tortosa. Sociology professor, Catedrático de Sociología. Instituto de Desarrollo Social y Paz, Universidad de Alicante

"Another world is possible, but it doesn't mean it will be easy to achieve.Conserving Yasuní National Park is not only important in order to protect the native people living there, nor simply to save the immense biodiversity which it protects.. It is important becasue it could signify a change to a time where, in order to assure the survival of the species one is brave enough to change the rules of the game. The Yasuní is a matter that concerns all of us and that is why we all have to do something to protect it. Campaigns such as "Yasuni Oro Verde-Yasuni Green Gold"-are necessary for the conservation of the Yasuni and this is why I support it. It will not be easy, but we have to do it."

Jose Maria Tortosa

Sociology professor, Catedrático de Sociología. Instituto de Desarrollo Social y Paz, Universidad de Alicante

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